When I was little I used to hate having my hair washed and always complained that it hurt when my hair was being combed out afterwards. My Gran would say in reply:
"You have to suffer to be beautiful"
She knew what she was talking about!
So, why this blog?
Well, I am just about to embark on getting my teeth straightened. Again.
I had a load of orthodontic work done as a child. Mouthguards, train tracks, plates, headgear...you name it; I had it. Eventually the braces were removed to reveal lovely straight teeth. Marvellous.
Some years later the wisdom teeth made their appearance and ruined all the good work.
Admittedly my teeth could look worse. A lot worse. But they have bugged me for years; it especially irks me when the other half insists I grin like an ape for a photograph which then, in my view, is completely spoiled by my wonky teeth.
I wasn't prepared to go back to years of metal mouth so I have lived with my gnashers and looked after them faithfully.
Then I started reading about stuff like Invisalign, which sounded kind of OK but still takes a long time. More recently I saw something about Six Month Smiles. I didn't really research it much until I went to the hairdresser (all will be explained...).
I'll elaborate later but suffice to say that I have decided to take the plunge.
I have noticed that there is not a lot of information out there about Six Month Smiles apart from the usual promotional stuff.
So I decided to blog about it so anyone who is interested can get some idea of what it is really like.
However, being a multi-tasking kind of a person (yes, of course I am female!) I thought that the blog may as well cover more than one thing. Although I live in Essex I am nothing like as high maintenance as most of the girls here. However, I do like a bit of pampering from time to time, and I do like products that do what they say on the tin.
So, whilst the primary purpose of this blog is to tell you about Six Month Smiles, I'll be telling you about other stuff too. Hopefully not all of it will involve suffering...
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